Secondly, I thought I’d publicly respond to some recent comments. Yes, due to all you crazies, the Thursday, fuck me Thirteens will continue. You’re gonna regret this, I promise.
BusyMom: 1. In no time the kid picked up NO! and MINE! I guess I didn’t think this thing through. and 2. I think I will do the food processor post, the disaster that will unfold at some point just may be found humorous.
Mary: Um, puppies snore, right?
Coffey: Have you always been a Braves fan? My sister is good friends w/ Adam Laroche (is he still their first baseman?) I’ve sang Christmas carols for his dad Dave Laroche, who was a pitcher in the 70′s.
Momma Kiss: Me too, no, no and Yeah!
Janet: My thought exactly!
Harriet: I edited the post to point out that I am clearly an idiot and probably exactly the target audience for this thing.
Jayne: My first Lamott: Operating instructions, given to me by my bestest neighbor friend who is also a PUBLISHED author. Looking forward to expanding my library. Glad to hear your opinion on the fiction, I had heard similar remarks.
Val: I’m sure I can get back up: how about I make a list with all the reasons YOU should have a blog? HA!
f*ckYeah: HMPH! You and a few others.
Ally: I think women will want Larry as long as he has the money to spend on them, why else? I’ll do my best to keep my baseball lust to a minimum and I wouldn’t recommend last Friday’s Fine man post.
Which brings me to today’s feature. I don’t have a picture of the hoo haa doc that got me into my current situation (I’ll be bringing my own beach ball to the pool this year, if you hadn’t heard.) He gave me and the Hubs some very good news today and after one more round of labs is releasing me to my own OB. (It was rough going for a couple of weeks and I’m SO relieved THAT is behind us!)
Anyway, so this post is dedicated to all the hot docs out there. I’ve already featured him once, but come on, who can get enough of House?
Who could forget the old days of ER and the handsome George himself (again a FMF repeat):
A more recent hottie (though I’ve never watched the show…yes I ducked in case someone tried to shoot me) Matthew Fox of Lost
And while I don’t fantasize about this one, I adore the character he’s played on Scrubs, may I present Percy Cox, AKA John McGinley:
I could go on and on about the “doctors” I’ve loved: the cast of MASH!, of course McSteamy. Do you guys remember St. Elsewhere? So many good and horrible medical dramas, the casts are too many to name and picture.
Do you have a fave?
Doogie? No pictures of DOOGIE????
I'm a McSteamy fan. I like McDreamy, too – but the scruff and plain dirty-ness of McSteamy, well. Excuse me.
FYI – Val DOES have a blog. But it's ancient and was mostly about her kid. Who, By the way is super cute, but her family reads it and shit – so…we need a 'real val' blog, yah?
McSteamy ALL. THE. WAY.
Not a fan of Matthew Fox though….
I LOVED St. Elsewhere!! What an eclectic bunch!!!
Have a great weekend!!
House is foxy! I even said so in my reference to an episode of House in my capstone course yesterday.
My poor professor just shook his head at me.
I love House…Love him!!
There is just something about House and McSteamy. They are so different but both hot in their own way!
Happy Friday Follow!!
Love, Love House. He's my favorite doctor of all time.
Hugs and Mocha,
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McDreamy all the way He is my celebrity boyfriend. THE.
But Hugh does have a British accent. Points for that. Good thing I'm surrounded by British accents at the moment