By The Mad Woman behind the Blog, on May 28th, 2010
You’ve seen what happens when I get inspired: baseball stars, 80′s stars, Latin love, etc. Thursday night was Zumba AND the “So you think you can dance!” season premiere. So yeah, you’d think I’d show you some hot dancers, sweaty, . . . → Read More: Fine Man Friday: Bollywood edition
By The Mad Woman behind the Blog, on May 26th, 2010
Or my fridge is. It’s Jew-Friendly! It has a Sabbath setting. I have to tell you how pleased I am to know what that means (because I had to explain it to the husband.) I wonder if I can get a stove that likes Indians. Or a micro-hood that . . . → Read More: Wordless Wednesday: Mad Woman’s getting religion
By The Mad Woman behind the Blog, on May 25th, 2010
Hi peeps! And welcome to all the new heads over there! Glad to have you! Go grab a fruity beverage and make yourself at home. There is also beer in the fridge and the remote is probably under the couch. So I have to apologize for the lack . . . → Read More: PSA: Mad woman may go MAD!
By The Mad Woman behind the Blog, on May 19th, 2010
YUM! And nope, it ain’t never gonna . . . → Read More: Wordless Wednesday: A girl can dream
By The Mad Woman behind the Blog, on May 18th, 2010
Let me start off by saying I didn’t want to post this today in case some of you are just like me and only read the most current stuff. (Okay, that isn’t entirely true, sometimes I get hung up on someone’s voice and I have to hang around . . . → Read More: Tuesday to do list….like its gonna get done if I write it!
By The Mad Woman behind the Blog, on May 16th, 2010
Dearest Pitcher of Margaritas, Look at you with your promise of carnal delights and entertainment. Yes, you. You make this promise to me every time you show your pretty face on my menu. You little tart! And yet you rarely come . . . → Read More: How I got here continues.
By The Mad Woman behind the Blog, on May 15th, 2010
Morning folks! I’m realizing as I’ve typed this that these would probably be a string of tweets but hell, why not string them together as a blog post instead! So here you go! It’s a crisp Saturday morning, perfect for garage saleing! Now . . . → Read More: Happy Weekend!
By The Mad Woman behind the Blog, on May 14th, 2010
Yo, have to shout out to even more new readers: welcome all! And as a welcoming gift, I present to you my Fine Man Friday. Its become a tradition around here. For some it may get the motor running for the weekend and for . . . → Read More: Fine Man Friday: Cha Cha Cha or pass the salsa!
By The Mad Woman behind the Blog, on May 13th, 2010
Love Thursdays, don’t you? You can almost smell the weekend and its endless possibilities.My weekend will suck, in case you’re wondering. Pointless garage sale on Saturday (I’ll be giving stuff away. I never want to see this . . . → Read More: Thursday thirteen: shit, not again!
By The Mad Woman behind the Blog, on May 12th, 2010
Girl SCORED! I knew she was getting some new crayons and coloring books and maybe a puzzle. Nana had gotten her a new doll, stroller and an EXTENSIVE tea set.But I really thought MY gift would be a show stopper: an artist’s easel . . . → Read More: Less Words Wednesday: Birthday recap, et al
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