Fine Man Friday: Smitten

I’ve been in love with this handsome devil since, oh, I don’t know L.A. Law?  Or maybe it was NYPD Blues.  Oh the memories.Then you had to show up on the West Wing, didn’t you?  You sealed your fate, and your place in my . . . → Read More: Fine Man Friday: Smitten

Wordless Wednesday: sick day “pic” me up.

I’m really not that nice.

I used to be a bitch. I know, I know.  When I say that people that don’t really know me say “Nooooo.  Not possible.”  And people that have gotten close enough for me to make fun of their very personal issues say, “used to?” Let me . . . → Read More: I’m really not that nice.

my "OMG its Monday" moment

I got it pretty good.  I work in an office with a boss that doesn’t come in until 1pm and a 80-something Jewish grandmother who works Mondays and Wednesdays.  I have plenty of time for blogging, the occasional call to a family . . . → Read More: my "OMG its Monday" moment

Fine Man Friday, I might have gone overboard.

You might say I’m obsessed.Anyone miss Sam Seaborn?  I’m naming my first born male after you sir!  Oh, and I’m sad to say I had a real hot pic of him but when I went to add it the picture quality was pretty poor.  Darn, I just . . . → Read More: Fine Man Friday, I might have gone overboard.

Thursday Thirteen – Mom material

Nope, not trying to work into the mommy bloggers niche but my role as a mother is on my mind quite often.  Don’t worry, I’ll make it up to you tomorrow.On my drive home the other evening I was rehearsing a conversation I intended on . . . → Read More: Thursday Thirteen – Mom material

WW: Mr Potato Head makes his theatrical debut in Wizard of Oz


I’m no super mom.  Not even in that realm.  I do alright.  My daughter may not get 3 servings of vegetables a day and yes, I nearly killed 2 of her fingers before Christmas.  But she also says sorry and loves books.Guess . . . → Read More: Chchchchanges.

So you want to know about life insurance? What? No?

In the interest of driving more traffic my way, I thought I’d write about my industry. Funny to call it industry, or mine, for that matter.  I’m not at all attached to it. Its just a job.  And NO one asks me about it. I’m also not . . . → Read More: So you want to know about life insurance? What? No?

Too Much

My hubs and I live in an adorable french cottage style house in Northern California.  Its adorable. And small. With just 2 full sized bedrooms (and one small one) and one bathroom, it gets smaller with each person that enters the front . . . → Read More: Too Much

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