By The Mad Woman behind the Blog, on October 19th, 2010
Why hello there dear friends. And to what do I owe the pleasure? OH! Well, let’s see, hm. There’s the giveaway. Congratulations Karen Foster! You should have an email from me and should be hearing from Tehlia soon. And thank . . . → Read More: Sexy time series, Jen comes out of hiding!
By The Mad Woman behind the Blog, on October 13th, 2010
By The Mad Woman behind the Blog, on October 12th, 2010
Come on in, the water is just fine! What? Water? Well come on now. I can’t host a sex series without a rockin’ hot tub now can I? It’s really just an excuse to get a cabana boy without the huge water bill. After last week’s post . . . → Read More: Sexy time series brought to you by….
By The Mad Woman behind the Blog, on October 11th, 2010
Why hello there! What brings you here? Did you smell the scones I was baking? Heard I was off the sauce and wanted to hit my stash? Oh, THAT! Yeah, it’s my blog birthday! Well, actually it was yesterday but who reads these things . . . → Read More: Its my birthday and my FIRST Giveaway!
By The Mad Woman behind the Blog, on October 7th, 2010
Helllllooooooo! So I’ve been reading a lot of bloggers talking about getting back to writing and stepping away from the high school-like environment we often find ourselves in. Right there with ya, sisters! Anyway, I’m nearing my . . . → Read More: Thursday thirteen, ugh, not AGAIN!
By The Mad Woman behind the Blog, on September 30th, 2010
I can’t get this song out of my head. And the lyrics SLAY ME!
Weep for yourself, my man, you’ll never be what is in your heart weep little lion man, you’re not as brave as you were at the start rate . . . → Read More: Thursday thirteen: lessons learned.
By The Mad Woman behind the Blog, on September 29th, 2010
By The Mad Woman behind the Blog, on September 28th, 2010
Hello my friends. Welcome welcome welcome. Lets get down to it, shall we? Many of you last week said, “It’s not about what I wear, its about attitude.” I agree 100%. I think what I failed to express was the question some of us have, . . . → Read More: Sexy time continues
By The Mad Woman behind the Blog, on September 27th, 2010
Ever have one of those weekends that come Sunday night you can’t think straight and you just want to sleep Monday away. Yeah , that was mine. BTW, Congratulations Texas Rangers. I love you all. Anyway, one of the reasons . . . → Read More: The Mad Mad, a flashback
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Sunday Comment Love
You know its nearing the end of the month when you resort to memes for your content….well unless that’s what you blog is about. And lets face it, mine is. (Working on that, I promise!) In order to give focus to my family this last . . . → Read More: Sunday Comment Love