Too dumbed down to write Tuesday

No, my dear friends, this is not a new meme, but don’t think for a second that I didn’t consider it (or try to dig up a meme that I could dig my teeth into.)

And speaking of friends, HOLY SHIT SHIRLEY!  I’ve busted through the 100 mark!  Hello all you cute heads over there.  I think someone has been drinking more than their share of beer b/c the fridge is empty.

Oh, was that me?  Alright.  I’ll go to the store, any requests?  I’ll be serving it up with spinach salads and whatever I pick up at the farmers market this week.  (Crossing my fingers that that does NOT include smoked salmon, blech!)

So I had this cute post written, talking about my adorable kid and how we played on the swings at the playground.  But I didn’t have any pics.  (btw, this was going to be Too Cute Tuesday.)  so I started to stretch it out and talk about the blow up pool that I bought her.  Of course included stuff like how I nearly passed out while trying to blow it up and how many times I had to strip her down to her naked butt cheeks to play in it only to turn around 5 minutes later to fully clothed and playing in the grass again.  Cute stuff, really….but again, no pics.

I RACKED my brain for ideas and dug around and read other blogs and begged the gods for inspiration.

And I got nothing.

But now that I’ve got quite the posse assembled over there, I couldn’t just be a no show.  So here’s a lame “Hi!, and thanks for coming.”  Sorry for wasting your time and oh yeah…if you got some requests, I’m happy to give it a shot.

4 Responses to Too dumbed down to write Tuesday
  1. Florida Dom
    June 29, 2010 | 1:12 pm

    Always nice to say Hi. Hope you had a good day.


  2. Mama H
    June 29, 2010 | 9:09 pm

    SOOOOO glad you posted today! I check this thing every hour on the hour and love when you've written something new. Must admit I am extremely jealous of the heads on your blog, cause I have only 1/4 of that… of course, I only have 1/100 of the writing ability of you so maybe I should just shut my ungrateful mouth…

  3. Scottish lass
    June 30, 2010 | 12:54 am

    Thanks for the comment love. Didn't take video. Bad mommy.
    I'm wishing you some sleep…..

  4. ticklishfromadistance
    June 30, 2010 | 6:30 pm

    Fair enough. Hi is good, too.

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