By The Mad Woman behind the Blog, on January 5th, 2011
Yeah, yeah, bite me. I’m doing a meme. I know, I’m embracing this Me Me Me mantra…so this meme seems to fit. And I’m a little hard up for blog fodder. Call it performance anxiety. Anyway, Jackie at With Just a Bit of Magic tweeted about . . . → Read More: 30 days of what the
By The Mad Woman behind the Blog, on January 3rd, 2011
For those of you who missed it…this was navAl gazing….not that I don’t like sailors but well, you’ll see. This ain’t about that! Hey, come on in. The toilet is newly plunged and clean, the duct work has been reworked and the laundry is . . . → Read More: Navel gazing for 2011
By The Mad Woman behind the Blog, on July 29th, 2010
Well hi there. How’s it hanging? Or should I say How’re they hanging?My date to the prom in, OMG 1988!, used to respond to that question (and for whatever reason, EVERYONE was asking) with “Long and limp.” Nope, never . . . → Read More: Thursday Thirteen, bottom of the bucket
By The Mad Woman behind the Blog, on July 22nd, 2010
Don’t tell me you don’t know that song. I can’t wait to teach it to my daughter just to annoy my husband. Only because I love him SOOOOOO much. HA!Loaded up on farmer’s market’s goodies, whose coming over and cooking? I . . . → Read More: Thursday 13: There’a hole in my bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza
By The Mad Woman behind the Blog, on July 15th, 2010
Hi folks.We are stocked up on beer (both light…all yours I don’t touch the stuff, and brown) but seriously lacking in the nosh department. Whose turn is it to bring the snacks?Didn’t think I was tracking who has been clearing out my . . . → Read More: Thursday Thirteen: still kickin that bucket
By The Mad Woman behind the Blog, on July 8th, 2010
Why hello there. Welcome to my personal hell, I mean, diary/blog. I see you new heads, come on in, don’t be shy. Sure, sure, the seating is juice stained and there is cat hair everywhere but the kitchen is looking good and I . . . → Read More: Thursday 13: my bucket list

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