As many of you know I’ve been house hunting. After 3 failed offers on 3 different houses, the fun seems to have escaped me.
But there is still a bright side: we will eventually move and to somewhere bigger than my little 7 room house. And that new house? It’s going to need some furniture, flooring, wall treatments, window treatments…the list goes on from there. Big fat happy sighs.
So I’ve returned to my happy place: watching the boob tube, specifically HGTV in search of inspiration.
Happy place shows:
1. Candace Olsen’s Divine Design. She is an entertaining host with a high end modern style. Will I ever be able to afford a room with HALF the glamour she creates? Nope, but a girl can dream.
2. Anything with Sarah Richardson. She tends to create more traditional feminine rooms but she shows how to do some things on a budget and it always looks fresh.
3. Emily Henderson, last year’s Design Star winner. Fresh, modern, eclectic and how cute is she? Her show Secrets from a Stylist premiers February 26th and I cannot wait! BTW: I followed her blog before Design Star aired. So there!
Speaking of blogs, there are tons of sassy mouthed, smart and chic writers out there that I admire and really enjoy:
4. My favorite and my best was the first design blog I ever followed. She is snarky and sharp tongued and incredibly talented. There is also a rumor that she may be on the next season of Design Star. If you don’t love design, she does do some awesome reality tv show trashing.
5. Another very talented writer, let alone design lover is Raina from If the Lamp Shade fits. She’s recently landed a gig writing for Curbed. She also has a wicked sense of humor!
6. One weekend while totally bored w/ the Saturday morning HGTV lineup (it happens!) I stumbled into this huge world of blogging remodelers and do-it-yourselfers. One of the ringleaders is Cassity over at Remodelholic. She is a great host who 1, knows what she’s talking about and 2. spreads the word about the work of others. Can you say LURVE?!??!
7. Another can’t miss, especially if you like to get a quick before and after fix: Better After.
Then of course there are the traditional sources of inspiration.
8. Elle Decor usually is a little elitist for my taste but I ALWAYS find something to like, something I hadn’t considered or you know, something to flash at Adonis to make his head spin. Its a special talent. The Moroccan feature this month: make my girlie bits tingle, FYI.
9. Then there is Lonny Mag. Lots of flashy photography which, you know, feeds my need for visual stimulation. I so love how many of their articles feature a more eclectic look. Big time LOVE!
10. Trust me, click on this link: Inspire Me
11. We remodeled our kitchen ourselves without having laid a single tile in our lives. I think its because I’ve been addicted to do it yourself shows…and think I can do what I see on the TV. I would be remiss if I didn’t include a link to all the hotties over at DIY Network. Amy Matthews, Ahmed Hassan, can we just make a Mad Woman sandwich?
12. My original inspiration: watching my parent fix up our homes over the years. Thank you Mom for teaching me how to hang wallpaper, how to make drapes and the best painting tips. Dad thank you the lessons in hanging ceiling fans and giving me the confidence and knowledge to work with electricity and plaster.
13. And sometimes the inspiration comes in the oddest places, times or forms. Such as this morning: Nick Jr. A hat wearing animated turtle sang “Be happy with what you have!” I don’t think he intended to inspire me to find a shotgun to shoot my TV. No, I’m sure that wasn’t his message. And now that I got the song stuck in Adonis’ head, I’m curious to see how he’s inspired.
Do you get the same inspirations from watching porn? I do!
Coffeypot recently posted..Worst Analogies Found In High School Papers
I’m just gonna hire out when it comes to design stuff. Always. I’m do not have the eye for any of it.
MommaKiss recently posted..Monday Funday
As we progress as a society, the lines between “male” and “female” seem to be less & less distinct. I’m pretty confident in my manhood (and couldn’t begin to qualify myself as a metrosexual), yet I’ve had a manicure or two and regularly wear jewelry. My best female friends will put me to shame in a belching competition in the middle of a night at the bar.
That said, I do believe HGTV will always be the line between “masculine” and “feminine.” I applaud you for enjoying it . . . because, well, somebody has to – making shit look nice is important. But, damn, is that not for me.
John recently posted..A Day in the life
I can’t wait to see what house you end up with! I’m obsessed with The House of Turquoise right now. Trying to convince the husband to paint our pink vintage tiled bathroom turquoise has been quite a challenge, but we both know I will win. I always do. Great links up here today! You have great taste.
Happy House hunting! HGTV is my hubby’s Happy Place too!!!
L. Eleana recently posted..Checkout My Latest Post on Skirt! Brain Tumors Stink!!
A project of ours was featured at Remodelaholic once!
Good luck with your house search!
liz recently posted..Through the Screen Door
isn’t that your necklace Mandace is wearing?
I’m not going house hunting because I’m going to win the HGTV Dream Home in Stowe, VT. I’m already checking flights.
Owning a house can sure suck. It’s really made me reevaluate how much space I actually need.
We are finally the proud owners of an actual bed and headboard. Go us!
Jessica recently posted..Giveaway- Cooks Illustrated
I wonder if I’ll ever own a house. Insert huge sigh of jealousy here.
But, my design style: clutter.
I’ve been reading Raina forever. She’s wicked smart and hyfreakingsterical!
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