Flippin’ Off!

Yo yo yo! Wassup my homies!

Yeah, that’s how good this feels to sit down and write down all the crap I just need to bitch about. You’ll see it ain’t long. Don’t go…please wait…but…but…

Alright, for those I DIDN’T scare away, I’m linking up with my blogsbian lover Momma Kiss today. She’s hosting Flip Off Friday, as she does most Fridays and I’m finally worked up enough to join her. If you STILL DON’T KNOW HER….people, LEAVE go see her, love her, but hands off the boobies, they’re mine! BTW, the girl can ROCK some pigtails. Just sayin.

*****Post update: My girl has some shit goin on, may not get a linky bo blinky thing working today and just needs a little love. Go give her some, would ya?  Oh, and that isn’t really a request, more of a command!  And then you can link up below with me. Link below, oh my, it could get steamy in here. Girly bits ….I’ll stop there.

So on to the bitch:

1. Flip off selling and buying houses. Yeah, the whole big stinkin’ thing. Too much stress, too much anxiety and yeah, a little too much money. ACK.

1a. Flip off moving while pregnant.

1b. Flip off moving while pregnant, with a toddler.

1c. Flip off moving while pregnant, with a toddler, during CPA Adonis’ busy season.

1d. Flip off Northern California real estate prices.  Good Lord people! You want $850k for 2000 square feet, no yard and I still have to replace all the flooring and the entire kitchen. Bite me!

aaahhh, whew, I needed that.

2. Flip off self doubt. Really does that need an explanation?

3. Flip off my need to try EVERYTHING. (Girl, get through your skull, you really don’t like writing fiction, quit trying to shove your ass, as cute and adorable as it it, into that mold!)

4. Flip off winter, I need some SUN people! No, not to sunbathe (I’d look like a very adorable (to quote women who aren’t related to me)beached whale.

5. Flip off you crazy whacked out Adonis! I won’t name a child Dicky!!!!!

Hello people, I’ve told him. Don’t think I’m being passive aggressive here. There are no secrets.

6. And a gentle little middle finger to the above mentioned child. Your Fred Astaire-, Pele-, Adam Vinatieri-wanna be moves ARE KILLING ME!

Alrightie peeps, I’m taking the reins. My girl is “thumbing it in.”  So you want to link up your flip offs, your fawk offs, your FUCK YOUS and Middle Finger Salutes…go right ahead. The more, the um, merrier doesn’t quite fit here. The more, the more relieved.

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14 comments to Flippin’ Off!

  • Symdaddy

    I’m beginning to think that I might be a Saint!

    I never have anything worthwhile moaning about … I’m polite to everyone … I’m helpful … I’m caring … I’m ………..

    ……. so fucking boring!


    I think I need to inflict pain on someone again this weekend.

    Let me just get some saddle wax onto that ol’ whip o’mine.

    Any takers?
    Symdaddy recently posted..Ambitious Author Seeks PlotMy ComLuv Profile


    Symdaddy Reply:


    I’m shocked!!!

    I NEVER use the F-word … ever … much.
    Symdaddy recently posted..Ambitious Author Seeks PlotMy ComLuv Profile


  • MommaKiss

    Symdaddy is fucking boring! Jeesh (all in good fun, kids).

    Thanks for linking me – I’m such a hot mess right now, and while the blog linky thing didn’t make it in the post (I had to thumb it in) – I AM well rested. I think the ativan and flexeril helped a lil bit with that.

    You wanna talk winter? We have accumulation of almost 3 feet of snow. I mentioned somewhere that the only exercise I’ve had in the past month is sex and snow shoveling. Insane.
    MommaKiss recently posted..FFO 12810 I forgot the LINK!My ComLuv Profile


  • MommaKiss

    Saw your message – YES you can put the linky up. Lemme e-mail you.
    MommaKiss recently posted..FFO 12810 I forgot the LINK!My ComLuv Profile


  • Symdaddy

    Thanks Momma!

    Now I have something to moan about!
    Symdaddy recently posted..Ambitious Author Seeks PlotMy ComLuv Profile


  • tulpen

    Dicky? Really? Just terrible.

    How about Gaylord? That is much better than DICKY!!!
    tulpen recently posted..Not One To Which You Wear A Fancy DressMy ComLuv Profile


  • Pamela

    Moving does suck but look at it this way….It’s easier to move when you’re pregnant because you’re not really allowed to lift things. Think about moving with an infant…GASP!
    Pamela recently posted..When its no longer considered postpartum depressionMy ComLuv Profile


  • John

    So I shouldn’t tell you that my house is 3500 square feet, with a basketball court, a pond, a hottub, a shed, an acre of land….and I paid less than 1/4 of what you’re looking at? Would that risk a flip-off?

    I miss living close to a real city, but not when I look at the fact that I’m pretty sure I couldn’t afford the property taxes anywhere in CA, New England, or the greater-NYC area.
    John recently posted..Slightly Off Topic Why I Didnt Work Out This MorningMy ComLuv Profile


  • Nicole

    Dicky? Good Lord. I’m flipping him off too.
    BTW, We moved into our house when I was 5 months pregnant. The only good part is I didn’t have to do any actual manual labor but that was also the bad part cuz I can’t stand watching people screw stuff up that I would have done right the first time.


  • Tee aka The Diva's Thoughts

    I bet this felt good! I think I’m going to do one of these myself.
    Tee aka The Diva’s Thoughts recently posted..I Have Had It!My ComLuv Profile


  • Tracey

    I’m a follower of Momma Kiss—nice to meet you! My friday flip off is being a 37, married, with 3 kids at home, one married and away, grandmother/stay at home mom…it’s Friday and NOBODY wants to go out with me!! I want some adult time and what is my husband doing right now? He is on facebook….Hello…I’m sitting here all dressed up and ready to go out!! I need some friends! So, my friday flip off goes to the husband who won’t get off the computer, and another one to not having any friends who can spare a few hours here and there, and if I hadn’t already had a glass (large one) of wine,I’m sure I could think of a few more, but the large glass of wine is kicking in and I’m starting to cheer up now!

    Thanks for letting me vent!!


  • CDG

    Got nothing to flip off, but I support all of yours!

    CDG recently posted..Untitled- Part FiveMy ComLuv Profile


  • Sherri

    As always, I am half speechless and half cracking up at your flips.

    I’m not worthy, babe.
    Sherri recently posted..Featured on BlogHer Today!My ComLuv Profile


  • Chantelle

    Holy Smokes!! We have a 2300 sq foot house with finished basement for $162000. Benefits of small town living!!


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