If you haven’t figured it out, I’m sort of over this whole 30 days of truth stuff. Some of the navel gazing was really soul cleansing for me and then some of the prompts were just out there. I couldn’t make the connection.
So in order to wrap this up and start February fresh, I’m gonna slam you with the remaining prompts in two long posts. Forgive me.
Day 22 — Something you wish you hadn’t done in your life.
Holy shit.
I usually don’t like to dwell on things in my past. Shame is a 4 letter word in my book and I try to live without regrets. Yes, I hate when I’ve hurt someone, intentionally or otherwise. I hate when I make a fool of myself. But everything I’ve done in my life has made me who I am and I’m liking myself more and more everyday. But I should answer the question, right? So here you go. I wish I hadn’t wasted the first beautiful day of spring at the moving theater watching Titanic. Seriously! I wish I could have those few hours back. And then there were the failed attempts at threesomes in my late 20′s. More embarrassing than anything.
Day 23 — Something you wish you had done in your life.
What the fuck? I don’t know, paid more attention in Spanish class? But really, my life is FAR from over, there is still time to learn. But yes, I wish I had had the chance to tell my grandmother that I loved her before she died.
Day 24 — Make a play list to someone, and explain why you chose all the songs.
Really? What is this, highschool? Oh, okay. Stevie Wonder – Isn’t She Lovely. You are my Sunshine (artist unknown.)That’s it. And of course, I dedicate these to my Maddy. She brightens my every day and she’s enriched my life by her being. I love you Little Girl.
Day 25 — The reason you believe you’re still alive today.
Well that’s just silly. The only reason I’m still alive is because either God or Satan hasn’t given up on me yet. Or because I haven’t tried skydiving.
Day 26 — Have you ever thought about giving up on life? If so, when and why?
Oh sure, I’ve thought about giving up. When that boyfriend that I thought was the end all be all of men dumped me. When I lost my job at the same time my best friend backed out of our plans of moving across country together. There was that time that Adonis and I had a huge misunderstanding that left me so baffled and made me question my own sanity. But these aren’t things I like to dwell on and honestly I had a hard time coming up with these.
Tomorrow, more of the same.
Pick any of the above and give me your answer….come on, play along.

I’ll be glad when you are finished with this 30 day stuff and start posting pictures of your boobs again. It’s been interesting to read about your past, but common…those boobs won’t be this luscious much longer.
Coffeypot recently posted..RAF Humor To The End
I’m glad I tried skydiving when I was young and reckless. Kicked ass.
tulpen recently posted..MemeTastic
I’m with Coffeypot- where are your boobs? Too bad the 30 Days of Truth doesn’t have the prompt- show us what your boobs look like. Boo.
again, i’d pick the playlist one, but it would take about a hundred years to go through the whats and whys of my favorite songs.
i’ll just go with one: “avalanche,” ryan adams. it’s self-explanatory.
magnolia recently posted..bonne blog-iversaire a moi
the moving theater? is that where they show them new fangled moving pitures i done heard so much about? i might have to see me one of those for myself. next thing you know you’re gonna tell me i can climb into a big heap of metal and go in the air over this here country of our’n.
The ‘Daddy’ adopts the foetal position on the Mad Lady’s kitchen floor (next to the chocolate cake hiding place) and mumbles ‘I want my mummy!’.
Occasionally sucking his thumb and thanking God for the daily booby-updates he’s received from the Mad Lady via email, he awaits the end of the ’30 day’ storm thinking ‘She hasn’t run a mop over these damn floors for a while’!
Symdaddy recently posted..Grumpy Ol Bird!
I’ll be the one to go all serious up in here. Have you ever thought about giving up on life? If so, when and why? I have thought about giving up many, many times. This mental illness bullshit of mine invades me at precious times and I want to kill it so bad, but that would mean I’d have to kill me first and then it wins. It always wins.
I wouldn’t mind seeing your boobage again either!
Pamela recently posted..Bubba Corpse
I’m sure Satan hasn’t given up on you. Hell is a nice place to be, with geology field trips at day time, black metal concerts in the evening, and great threesomes at night. See you in Hell >;D
I’ve thought about giving up on life, many many times. In High School, after college, recently. Shit’s insane. But then I think about people who live in the desert and sustain on rice and flies and, well, my life’s not that bad.
MommaKiss recently posted..Um
I’m so glad you visited my silly blog last week because I was linked back to yours. I love your honesty! It made me smile. Do I HAVE to play along, mommy?? Oh, okay. I wish I HAD already washed all the dishes and clothes this morning so it would already be done.
I didn’t play right, did I?
Don’t give up on me!
what do you wish you had done? what do i wish i hadn’t done?
similar answer…
i wish i’d said “i love you” before it was too late…
jaime recently posted..New Years Resolutions
“And then there were the failed attempts at threesomes in my late 20′s. More embarrassing than anything.”
Oh… I’m sure that you’ve read most of them on my blog. And I’m getting tired of the 30 days of truth… I’m gonna finish it out because I started it but I sure as hell will think twice before I do something like it again!
Jackie recently posted..What I’ve learned about blogging