We had met on Craigslist. He had seen my post and responded. Oh, what did it say, you ask? I’ll paraphrase for you:
Searching for a tall, athletic lover of dark beer.
Yup…that’s about it. Sure I talked a little about being a trouble maker, ornery and of course delightful in every way, but you know it was all about the guy. I had learned my lesson from writing and reading other posts that went on and on about all the things girls loved to do and what they had experienced and how their heart had been broken and blah blah blah.
The lesson was to write a post like a job description: tell the reader exactly what I was looking for and let them come running. And be specific! If I had said tall but didn’t say how tall, all those shrimps (sorry shorties) under 5’10 would still think they could apply. The athletic part: I wasn’t looking for a body builder or a weight lifter. Been there, done that and let me tell you, those guys are whack jobs. I knew I wanted someone who understood the value of being healthy and active and also enjoyed sports. Nothing like that competitive nature in a guy to get the juices flowing.
Now I know you’re asking yourself, “What’s up with the dark beer?” Well that was a theory I had been working on since college. When I tended bar, it was always the guys chugging the pitchers of Natural Light that while, a good time, also ended up working construction for their dads, building their beer belly as they went along. Not the future I had in mind for myself. The darker beer drinkers gave thought to their choices, developed a taste for something exceptional, had a few more brain cells still functioning. Sure, there are exceptions to every rule but I was satisfied in my research and persevered.
When Adonis answered my ad, his email said, “So you ferreted me out.”
Not the words dreams are made of, but unique nonetheless.
While I shoved the idea of small weaselly rodents out of my mind, I responded quickly. He had used a magic word in his email that was MY siren’s call: Guinness!
After a couple more emails and a couple of phone calls, I set our date. We were to meet at my store in downtown San Francisco, after closing. My girlfriend was with me, just in case I needed to ditch. You never know, right?
Adonis arrived wearing a crisp white linen shirt and jeans I care not to remember. I was, after all, a seller of high end, flatter your money maker jeans, and a bit of a snob. But HELLO TALL DRINK OF WATER. His email said he was 6’4″ but lordy, he was pushing 6’6″ and I was lovin’ every inch of him.
Well, that’s a stretch. He was blond. I didn’t have a good track record with blonds. And never found one that pushed my buttons. They were always a little too wimpy. But I had to give this tall lanky guy a shot. After all he had come all the way downtown, paid for parking and was expecting a date with a cute and ornery girl.
So off we went to Slim’s to see Slash’s Snake Pit. Yes, I took my craigslist date to see Slash. I had been on enough first dates that I just wanted to go have fun and take the pressure off of making this all about ‘making a connection.’
Repeatedly, my tall date would squat down to hear me or say something in my ear and time after time I would bark at him to stand up straight and I would stretch up on my toes to speak in his ear or to hear his comments.
Near the end of the show, Adonis bent down once again, to ask if he could buy me another beer and placed his hand at the small of my back.
And that’s when the fireworks went off.
An electrical charge ran up and down my spine, tingly my scalp and tickling my toes. I did my best to keep my cool and it wasn’t long before we had walked to his car and he was driving me home.
While the evening did not end with a kiss, Adonis did leave an indelible mark. One that I still feel with his touch.
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that’s a great first date story. i couldn’t even tell you what hubby and i did for our first date. or when it was. we were kind of together for a year before we were officially together so it’s hard to know where the first date fell…
jaime recently posted..Yup I Still Hate Valentines Day
Foxy Mama! Bet the fact that you knew your mind blew his.
Tall men are swoony. Except my boss. He makes my skin crawl.
I love it, love that you met through Craigslist. Mark & I met through the personals on theOnion.com.
CDG recently posted..Kingdom- Phylum- Fish Out of Water- and First Lines
Sweet. Mercy.
I have the tinglys just thinking about that hand on the small of the back. My man is tall, as well. A good foot + 2″ taller than me. I can simply see myself on your date. Well, You know.
Love this, girl. Love it. Glad you found your man (he’da had me at Guinness, too)
MommaKiss recently posted..WW My Name is KID!
Aw, awesome story!!! I love when a blind date works out well!
gigi recently posted..The 3 Pillars of Blogging Enchantment
Glad there was an electric connection! Sometimes it just isn’t there.
JDaniel4′s Mom recently posted..Italian Day at Publix and 25 Publix Gift Card Giveaway
The old small of the back move. Nice. Funny how hot it is when the date it is, and how creepy when the date is not.
Mandy’s Kidding recently posted..My Dental Makeover- Step 1
Hmmm… the kind of ‘electricity’ of which you speak when you talk about that kind of a ‘touch’ is everything! No?
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Mads Mom, Mads Mom. Mads Mom said: Lust at first contact, a @mamakatslosinit prompted post: http://tinyurl.com/4lbupys [...]
that small of the back thing does it every. single. time. that was the first signal from the man that he was more interested in me than just being my best friend. we were in a large crowd, and i started to say something to him. he just briefly laid his hand on the small of my back as he listened, and oh, my lord, it was over.
magnolia recently posted..toy mogul
You have a way with words lady! Loved it, love the light beer analaogy! So can you analyze men (and boys) who drink other beverages…
Paige Morgan recently posted..Valentine’s Fail or Is It
Oh, I love it! And my hubs loves him some Guiness….but would most likely never have answered an ad on Craigslist so it’s a good thing I tracked him down at the pizza parlor.
Sherri recently posted..Guest Posting at a belle- a bean & a chicago dog
Love the email he sent!
And love your dark beer drinker theory, though, if you met my husband,your theory would shit the bed.
Jealous you got a tall one. Mine is exactly my height.
tulpen recently posted..The Dog Ate My Breast Pump A Love Story
wow, you met on craigslist? this is pre-craigslist psycho guy in the news i’m sure. i like shorties, but loved your post.
sherri recently posted..suntastic etsy finds
Your ad request was rock solid. Love it.
I met my man on not only a blind date, but an ambush set up…mutual friends who KNEW we were made for each other. So they got us drunk first. Then brought us to the same bar.
Not a romantic night.
But the rest?
History. Love your writing, lady. I’d put my hand on the small of your back anyday.
julie gardner recently posted..Today call me pantsed
Wow – tingly, how that worked out! Sheesh, your husband sounds hot.
Jill VT recently posted..Nothing to See Here- People Move Along
That was truly a great bit of writing…and so much for my thinking that Adonis was a Mediterranean-looking fellow.
Mmmmmmm, Guinness.
John recently posted..A Day in the life
LOVE this story!!! So well written BTW hosting my first blogaway, come check it out before it ends monday if you’re into that sort of thing. Happy Friday!
That is all kinds of awesome for a first date story.
Tracie recently posted..Bits Pieces Love
Love it! You are so much fun.
[...] About You February 24, 2011 Paige Morgan Leave a comment Go to comments My friend over at A Diary of a Mad Woman was discussing how she identified her future husband in part by his choice of beers. (Ask me how [...]
I really wish I had learnt swimming. Reading this post made me yearn for those years that i spent floating on the river Ganges and running to and fro from the Marina Beach when I was a kid. I wish I had learnt swimming… SIGHS
Ratz recently posted..Resting Place- TRDC Meme
[...] I wrote about my theory about light vs. dark beer drinkers? If you don’t you can check it out here. Well that inspired a conversation where I made some pretty serious accusations, I mean [...]