Monthly Archives: April 2010

Day 13 Can we talk?

If you are the 10 readers that took a gander at today’s post and came back to look again, you may be confused.  Sorry about that.  Talking about sex AGAIN just pushed a certain someone a little too far. So, for the rest of you, you’ll get tomorrow’s post today (and I’ll spend all day…

Day 12 We interrupt story time to bring you some sex

None of you regulars object do you?  I saw this Monday meme and thought:  I haven’t annoyed hubs in a few days, why not post about SEX again.  And if this ain’t enough for ya, head over to The Daily Dose for links to other fabulous bloggers.

Day 11 How I got here continued

So, having left my heart in San Francisco, I started machinations to return, with or without the fiance.When I had interviewed w/ Lucky brand jeans I indicated that if ever an opening was to arise in San Francisco, I would happily take a transfer.I d

Day 10 How I got here, part 1

If you notice over there on the right you could read about me to know that I live in Northern California.  Or just stay here since I just told you.  Silly me.Real estate here has always been more expensive than say in Kansas or Minnesota. &

Day 8 Someone special

  Ever meet someone and you click?  Like you’ve known each other forever.  Nothing you can do will shock this person. nothing they can say can shock you.That’s how it was with Steve.  He and I struck up a friendship the first

Day 7 Gramma, how I wish I could know you.

Driving home the other day I encountered these 2 lovely older women who were out for a walk.  The taller, blond woman was pumping her arms vigorously, running her jaw just as fast.The second woman was who caught my eye and gave me pause.  S

Day 6 I’m just relieved to be inspired.

Sitting here thinking about my blog and wondering what the hell should I write about.  Yep, I shopped around for topics and just didn’t find anything that spoke to me.So, I went about my business, bitching at the husband, teasing the daughter, d

Day 5 Bitten by the farts and craps bug

You don’t know what this is?  Farts and Craps?  oh.  Yeah, that’s mad woman speak for Arts and Crafts.You’ve seen this stuff right?  Oh sure, there is some craftiness involved when turning an egg carton into a welcome wreath for y

Day 4 What are you doing here?

Why aren’t you with your families or friends? I had the angsty post all written in my head at 2 am after my daughter had been awake for over and hour and hogging the covers while my husband snored away.But then I woke up to this beautiful morning and

Day 3 the In Laws are coming, the In Laws are coming.

Does that fill your tummy with a burning dread?  Do you want to run the other direction?  Do you make every excuse possible to avoid your in laws?Is your father in law the brooding in the corner -type.  Sipping something alcoholic and

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