Lame much?

I’m an idiot.

I’ve been spending way too much time thinking about what I might blog about that I’ve not paid attention to my blog!


I just read a comment by a kind woman, Thank you Martha! and discovered that I made a best a “Best Post of the Week” list…..THREE WEEKS AGO!!!


How totally flattering is that?  AND bloggers I LUUUUUUUVVVVV were on the list that week too! (They are probably are every week…I’m going to have to spend a little more time checking out this list, for sure!)

Alright, enough patting myself on the back.

Back to reality….I had the opportunity to tell a joke yesterday and totally blew it.  Me, the (in my heyday) hot little sassy mouthed shortest skirt wearing bartender who was NEVER caught without a topical and mostly inappropriate joke, was caught completely witless.   This is what I came up with:

What does an agnostic dyslexic insomniac do at night?

Sit in bed and wonder if there really is a dog.

See, what did I tell ya?  LAME!

Now, can anyone tell me how to put that cute little button on my blog so I can brag about myself some more?

Love you guys, btw!

6 Responses to Lame much?
  1. melissa
    December 8, 2009 | 4:49 pm

    Congrats on the best post! And your joke made me giggle, if that helps!

  2. injaynesworld
    December 8, 2009 | 5:52 pm

    How did you get in my bedroom last night?

  3. Amber Tidd Murphy
    December 9, 2009 | 1:06 am

    Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday… and I thought your joke was really funny.

    Not at all lame.


  4. Blissed-Out Grandma
    December 9, 2009 | 1:28 am

    Ha! Not a bad joke at all. I can make wisecracks off the cuff, but I can't tell a joke to save my life.

  5. Mama H
    December 9, 2009 | 7:12 pm

    Hey! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I love new readers and I especially love comments!! YOU ROCK!

    I'm gonna follow your blog — now I ANOTHER awesome reason to NOT do laundry/dishes/anything productive…

    Mama H

  6. Mama H
    December 9, 2009 | 7:14 pm

    OOPS… some won (meee) shud prufe reed her kommints b4 shee postz them…

    SHHH… don't tell the 40 3rd graders I teach reading, writing and spelling…


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