
I’m no super mom.  Not even in that realm.  I do alright.  My daughter may not get 3 servings of vegetables a day and yes, I nearly killed 2 of her fingers before Christmas.  But she also says sorry and loves books.

Guess what else she loves?  TV!

It started out innocently enough.  Since I went to work before Hubs and before the sitter opened her door for the day, I would get Mads dressed and lunch made and take her into still sleeping Daddy.  He would then set her in front of the TV (Sesame street, of course!) and go take his shower.

Well, she went thru a patch of waking well before any SANE person would, we’re talking the ass crack of dawn.  So I’d get her a bottle or sippy cup and set her in front of the Sprout channel and go back to sleep.

And sometimes we’d bring her into snuggle with us on the weekends.  This kid is pretty smart.  In no time she knew what the remote was for.  About the same time we began to ween her off her binky.  It is reserved for sleeping time only. 

So one day, she’s in bed with us and she wants the TV on.  So, being the smartypants she is, she hands Daddy the remote to turn it on.  Daddy is a pretty smart bugger himself and said “give me the binky and I’ll turn on the TV.”  Smartypants handed it over.

Thus began the reward system in our house.  Oops.

Well as I mentioned before, Hubs brought in his MONSTROUS speakers and so we’ve been spending more time listening to music, music I feel that is safe for our kid’s ears and fairly tasteful.  Cranberries, Sting, Harry Connick Jr and a few Mozart cds.  I think Hubs has officially retired his Too Short and Sir Mix Alot cds.
We’ve also started taking meals at this gorgeous table we’ve had since we married.  Before this past week, I think we’d eaten at the table maybe 10 times, and that is WITH guests.  We usually eat in front of the TV.

So this week we’ve made a pact:  No TV for the Madpie after work.  One of us puts on some music and we settle in for a calm evening of eating together, reading a book or two, or watching our little girl dance.

Lets hope it sticks.

13 Responses to Chchchchanges.
  1. MommaKiss
    January 19, 2010 | 11:10 am

    Thank you for stopping by – and I'll have to check out more of your posts! We do t.v. in the mornings – and on weekends when the lil one naps, the 4.5 yr old gets a movie. But our time at night is pretty scarce so we play games and tickle and tackle. It makes for happier EVERYONE!

  2. Millions Of Atoms Man
    January 19, 2010 | 12:40 pm

    Our kids love music also, the more drums the better. They tend to be on the hyper side…

  3. Melissa
    January 19, 2010 | 2:59 pm

    From a POV of someone who isn't a mom, I find this really interesting to see how people form habits. I do know that TV is a lifesaver sometimes when I'm babysitting my nieces. I see how it can be easy to fall into.

    Growing up, I have very fond memories of listening to music with my parents. Good stuff there.

  4. Pearl
    January 19, 2010 | 3:35 pm

    I agree that family meals are very important — great time to learn how to eat with your mouth closed, how to inquire after other people's days, talk about food…


    p.s. You have a smart girl. :-)

  5. Lee the Hot Flash Queen
    January 19, 2010 | 4:35 pm

    Good for you! I don't allow TV until homework is done. Then go for it, and we always eat in front of the TV. After all, what goes better with Pizza…family talk or the Bachelor??

  6. Coffeypot
    January 19, 2010 | 5:36 pm

    Thanks for stopping by and the comment. Welcome anytime.

    The quality family time after work is priceless. Never had it growing up, didn't do much of it when my daughter was younger and I wish I had.

  7. WhisperingWriter
    January 19, 2010 | 7:46 pm

    Good luck with that.

    We have the TV on far too much but we still at least have dinner together.

  8. Helen
    January 19, 2010 | 11:39 pm

    Your daughter sounds adorable — so sassy already! xo, Helen.

  9. Special K
    January 20, 2010 | 6:40 am

    Habits make and break us…but I watch about an 75 minutes a day. in the pediatric field myself, this is what I recommend to parents: 2 shows…and to have one night of "unplugged" a week if possible…
    She sounds BRIGHT!

  10. Kate
    January 20, 2010 | 7:57 am

    As someone previously said from someone without ids it is really interesting to see a parent actively stopping their children forming a bad habit. Your daughter sounds very smart.

    Kate xx

  11. Tina T
    January 20, 2010 | 9:55 am

    Now that my boys are 11 and 12, I'm glad that they are not TV and video game addicts. We had to really work at this for my younger son, who would have grown roots in front of the TV if we had let him. My boys love to play outside, and they seem to entertain themselves better than kids their age who are addicted to video games and TV. Of course my house is often a mess since non television activities seem to take up a lot of space, but I think that it is well worth the price.

  12. otherworldlyone
    January 20, 2010 | 10:56 am

    Yeah, I said the same thing. But when I get home from work, if I want to get anything done…like start dinner, pick up around the house, do laundry, I have to park the kid in front of the tv. She's a movie junky.

    I figure it's the least of my problems. She's smart for her age and only says curse words if she's really upset or singing them in a song.

    Kidding. Sort of…

  13. The mad woman behind the blog
    January 20, 2010 | 2:50 pm

    Oh thank you every one for your compliments and comments. I'm just giddy.

    Now I know why everyone loves these. Woo hoo!!

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