Category Archives: NaBloPoMo

Day 22 Thursday 13, work style

Okay, you buggers.  I got one for ya….you know I hate these damn things.  Yeah, yeah, I brought this on myself, I KNOW. BTW….did you see I’ve got 69 HEADS over there!  Oh the naughty things I could say about you all.  Wouldn’t it be fun if I could turn half the heads upside down? …

Day 21 Dressing 9 to 5 style

Yes, more work chat, so exciting I know!Does your office or work have a dress code?  Momma Kiss talks about hers here.  It got me thinking how lucky I’ve got it now.  It hasn’t always been so lax.There were the cheap red polos and

Day 20, I feel a theme coming on!

Yeah, it’s all about work this week.  Fun, huh?Some of you out there have been talking about it recently and so I thought I’d jump on the bandwagon.Dr.Zibbs talks about his vast work experiences here  He’s had some pretty classy gigs.&

Day 19 Ugh, do I really have to go to work?

After having spent the gorgeous weekend playing with both my husband and my daughter, dabbling in my garden and making the most amazing alfredo sauce, I really don’t have any interest in going to work today.To add to the fun, I’m taking in my car for

Day 18 Mom had a change of heart

I’ve had several drafts moaning and groaning and full of angst of the pending gestation and arrival of my second child.  Getting here has been rough and it hasn’t just been about the process.My first born is fast approaching her second birthday

Day 17 Happy Happy Saturday

I was going to write another chapter about how I got here but today was so fun I thought I’d share.Beginning the day with some friendly time with the husband is definitely the way to go, I highly recommend it. Or some quality alone time, or both, you

Day 16 Fine man Friday and some spring cleaning

First of all, let me say welcome and thank you.  It appears that I’ve collected a few more heads over there on the right.  Make yourself at home, there should be beer in the fridge.Secondly, I thought I’d publicly respond to some recent com

Day 15 My random Thursday Thirteen

When I started this crazy thing I thought I’d make up this meme to fill up a day’s post.  It got pretty tedious because, damn, 13 is a lot of crap to cover.  But as I sit down to write today, I find that I don’t have much to talk about. &nb

Day 14: Attention all you designie types. I need your help

In the spirit of Wordless Wednesday, this will be a brief post.I live in this cute 1929 French style cottage and I love it.  Hubs and I have been here 7 years and while some rooms have only recently taken shape or at least where I can live with

Day 13 Can we talk?

If you are the 10 readers that took a gander at today’s post and came back to look again, you may be confused.  Sorry about that.  Talking about sex AGAIN just pushed a certain someone a little too far.So, for the rest of you, you’ll get to

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