
You see that note about myself over there on the right —–> I said I was a little athletic.  Um.   Hm.

Brief history here:  I was never coordinated or interested enough to play organized sports in school.  I SUCKED at volleybal and EVERYONE played volleyball.  I did like track, but only the training part….where we ran hills, never the track meets.

Six years later a friend asked if I wanted to run a 5k race with her and another friend.  We trained for a few weeks and I placed in my first race!  Woo hoo.  I was hooked.  Did several more that season and met a guy runner and we set up house.  While that didn’t last, my love of running did….sort of.

I moved across the country, met an AWESOME gal who got me running again and I was back at it.  This time for REAL!  We ran a couple of fun runs in Golden Gate park and a half marathon together and it ROCKED!  Well, for me it did.

But life happens.  About that same time I met the man who was to become my husband.  I kept working out, doing classes at the gym, found another workout buddy and picked up spinning and then my Madpie came along.  Yup, I fell right out of habit.

Well Miss Awesome (see above) came knockin’ again.  She had had a baby and wanted to get rid of some of that baby weight.  (Do I get to call this roll over my belt ‘baby weight’ if my baby is 18 months old?) So back to the track I went.  It was fun at first, great to be back in the saddle and fun tracking each other’s miles, using our Nike+(Note necessary plug here…this little gadget is pretty cool ).  Funny I didn’t remember it hurting this much last time I ‘started’ running.  Knees achy, ankles not feeling strong, just so freakin tired.
So I’m slipping.  Everyday my daughter gets cuter and I just want to spend time with her and the nights are getting colder.

Maybe I need a local Miss Awesome to keep me company.  Hm…craigslist here I come!

2 Responses to Athletic?
  1. kellytirman
    November 2, 2009 | 1:16 pm

    Oh and BTW – great job on this post!

  2. Melissa
    November 6, 2009 | 10:23 am

    Try for a workout partner in your area …

    I have met a ton of great people on there, all of who like to run! I agree with Kelly – great post …

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